Moin Moin,
Allright me ducks!
What a weird month - we ran around in t-shirts enjoying the sunshine, then 2 days later we had the worse winter in Texas in 30 years and then spring sprung 3 weeks later. Dad said that this is proof that mother nature is indeed a woman - can't make up her mind and changes from cold to hot in a heartbeat. I would have asked Mum if what Dad said was right, but she was busy hitting him with a newspaper so I thought I'd drop the subject.
The snow was really cool (excuse the pun), I was just a baby when we left Germany so I've never really played in snow before. Dad and I built a Texas Snowman and I definetly won the snowball fight. At school, Miss Cat let us all play outside most of the time too which is where I picked up my snowball fighting skills. I now know that the best way to win is to aim for the back of the neck - they can't see your snowball coming and the cold ice will slowly trickle down their backs which will make them do a funny dance to get it out again. This means that they are off guard which is also the best time to reload and keep throwing, preferably at the back of the neck again - repeat until they give up!
It was really cold though and has been for a while here in Texas so we're getting fed up with it - we kind of miss the unbearable heat! It's slowly getting warmer now and it must be spring because Dad's wearing shorts again - he does this when the sun shines for more than 10 minutes. This is our first spring in this house so it's actually nice to see new things in the garden. During the winter, the trees are bare and everything is grey and bare. Now the grass is slowly turning green and the trees are getting fuller - I never knew that trees could have flowers on them too, we even have a pink tree in our garden!
My Mum and Dad are working on a new project right now and getting the garden spring cleaned so there was not much going on this month - we did have had some nice get-togethers at our house. My best friend and his parents have spent a few weekends here and we went bowling which would have been great fun if I didn't keep getting my fingers stuck in the holes. Didn't the person who invented bowling balls not think that those holes might be in the way?
Then we had a Taco party at our house with all my friends - that was so funny, we all stuck those 'glow in the dark' stars on our faces to make happy faces, grumpy faces and scary faces then we turned all the lights out, called the old folks in to my bedroom and they all hit the roof they were so scared. No kids in the room, just glow in the dark faces. The picture I posted is a picture of us all in the dark but the flash was on so it looks like daytime. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard although I looked around the room and it was kind of scary so I don't blame my parents for screaming.
Next month will be cool. We are having a picnic out at the party barn on Mum's birthday. The classic Chevy Club is coming with all their cars, all my parents friends are coming and my friends too. We bought a whole lot of garden games like horse shoe throws, bean bag tosses and green bowling. We'll have live music and great food. Just one problem - my folks have a track record of having outdoor affairs being rained out so it'll probably end up being an inside party with a few cup cakes, a John Denver CD and them letting me stay up till 10 as a special treat - which only means I have longer to enjoy the misery!
So here's this month's slideshow and pictures. I have included more 'Songs from the backseat' and I am now trying my hand at cooking so please do take a look at my classic video recipes - Jello, the side dish for every occasion.
See you all next month!
Hugs and Kisses