Hallo,Moin Moin,
y'allright me ducks!
Happy New Year everybody! - I know, I'm about 4 weeks too late with that but that's the problem with not being able to write yet - I have to wait until some else gets around to giving me 5 minutes of their time so that I can dictate my blog to them.
I had a fantastic christmas! Aunty Angela, Uncle Andy and Cuz Russ made it to our house and we all had a great time playing pool, eating and drinking too much. On Boxing Day we went to Christine's house, our English neighbour which was nice, they live just around the corner from us and are lots of fun.
I had lots of great presents but the best presents were things that I used to have in our old house that I really missed since we moved - a new playscape for the garden from my Mum and Dad and clouds from my Omi. Santa didn't quite get the job done though. The swings and slides arrived in 5 boxes and were sat in the driveway for 2 weeks and the clouds were supposed to be painted on my ceiling but he couldn't do that christmas eve because that might have woke me up. The playscape is built and my room is almost finished but I'll update you all on my next blog.
I also got a skate board and helmet. Santa also sent me elbow and knee protectors which I thought were a little girly, but now that I've skateboarded a couple of times, all I can say is 'Thanks Santa, Love the protectors!
Santa delivered on almost everything on my list - he did forget the DVD game but I forgive him because he gave me something on my list that my Mum told me I was never going to get - a piece of plastic from China called a Nerf Gun. It's yellow and black, it's big and it has 2 settings - single fire and rapid fire - do I need to say more? My Mum is not happy - but I sure am. Dad got a lamp for his pool table and Mum was really happy about her new necklace and ear rings but neither of them got a Nerf Gun.
We spent New Years Eve at home this year but a bunch of people came over with food, drinks, kids and fireworks so it was a great evening and a good start to the new decade.
We spent New Years Eve at home this year but a bunch of people came over with food, drinks, kids and fireworks so it was a great evening and a good start to the new decade.
My toy store, Carl & Me, did really well over the holiday season and I need to get Dad to re-stock the warehouse. After all the stress of the holidays we're back to business as usual. Mum and Dad are crazy busy (I think they have yet another business idea but more about that next month), I'm back at school and have just finished a swimming course at our local recreation center. According to my teacher, I am an excellent frog swimmer so all I need to do now is wait for summer so that I can swim in our pool. Texas has been really cold for the past 2 months and I really miss the sunshine.
So here's this month's slideshow or click on this link to see the pictures. There a few of me playing in our Georgetown playscape which I love. A couple of months ago, we met a lady that makes animal puzzles and she was able to make a puzzle of the Carl & Me logo, how cool is that!
Have a great 2010 everybody and I'll write again soon.
Hugs and Kisses